Nejmodernější technologie vyvinutá společností AxxonSoft pro boj s pytláctvím v jižní Africe
AxxonSoft’s Deep Learning video analytics technology is a powerful tool in the fight against poaching. By providing precise and timely alerts, the video surveillance software enables a rapid response and helps protect Southern Africa’s precious wildlife.
The majestic landscapes of Southern Africa are home to a wealth of unique and wondrous wildlife, but their existence is threatened by the devastating scourge of poaching, particularly targeting rhinos and elephants. AxxonSoft, a global authority in security and video surveillance software development, stepped up to confront this pressing challenge with an innovative solution — an advanced Video Analytics–enabled video surveillance system engineered to combat poaching activities effectively.
Park rangers faced an uphill battle against poachers. Traditional perimeter security systems were plagued by high false alarms triggered by animal movement, rendering them ineffective and resource-intensive. Additionally, distinguishing between humans and animals with traditional video analytics proved challenging, further hindering timely interventions. Thus, security staff couldn’t possibly monitor all the events and easily missed real threats, when poachers invaded the park, putting the very survival of endangered species at risk.
"Pocházím z Jihoafrické republiky, vyrůstala jsem obklopena těmito majestátními zvířaty a nádhernými pláněmi afrického kontinentu a vidět zkázu, kterou pytláctví způsobilo mé zemi a celému kontinentu, je zničující. Ochrana divoké přírody je mi velmi blízká. Posledních 25 let pracuji v oboru bezpečnosti a dohledu a věděla jsem, že musím využít svých znalostí a zkušeností k vytvoření proaktivní technologie, která může pomoci a ovlivnit iniciativu proti pytláctví."
AxxonSoft’s groundbreaking video surveillance system, armed with Deep Learning Video Analytics technology, offered a game-changing solution. This sophisticated video management system boasted the following capabilities.
Unerring Human Detection
Unlike its predecessors, the system accurately differentiated between humans and animals, drastically reducing false alarms and allowing rangers to focus on genuine threats.
Proactive Monitoring
The system scanned vast park areas tirelessly, constantly vigilant for suspicious activity, ensuring comprehensive coverage even in remote regions.
Immediate Alerts
Upon detecting human presence, the system instantly triggered alerts at security centers, providing critical real-time information and eliminating response delays.
Rapid Response
With immediate notification, anti-poaching units could deploy swiftly, apprehending poachers before they could inflict harm on precious wildlife.
"S globálním týmem jsme neúnavně pracovali na vytvoření systému, který by pytláctví řešil přímo. Jako průkopníci jsme implementovali novou technologii Deep Learning pro videodohled, která nyní dokáže rozpoznat rozdíl mezi lidmi a zvířaty. Jakmile dojde k narušení, je dohledové centrum okamžitě informováno. Pomocí kamer se zjistí, kde k narušení došlo, a ty dokáží přesně zachytit místo, kde k ohrožení došlo. Strážní středisko okamžitě získá všechny potřebné informace a je vyslána protipytlácká jednotka. To se velmi osvědčilo při prevenci zabíjení, protože tým je schopen se rychle dostat na místo činu."
Benefits and Results
The implementation of AxxonSoft’s Deep Learning Video Analytics technology yielded remarkable results.
Parks embracing the system witnessed a significant decline in poaching attempts. By eliminating unnecessary manual monitoring of false alarms, the system freed up valuable ranger resources, allowing them to focus on patrolling and proactive anti-poaching efforts.
The swift response enabled by real-time alerts resulted in fewer wildlife killings, offering a glimmer of hope for the future of endangered species.
Colleen is also working with British actor and author, Peter Meyer on his various antipoaching initiatives to raise awareness across the UK and Europe. Peter grew up in the South African bush and is heartbroken by the poaching crisis in his beloved country. AxxonSoft is also working with various game reserves and parks across the region to combat poaching in high risk areas. AxxonSoft, Glaeser, and Meyer make a powerful team and hope to change the anti-poaching landscape dramatically in the next few years.
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