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3A-it promotes Axxon VMS 4 at the annual Dansk IT security conference


For the 13th consecutive year, Dansk IT (Danish IT) held an annual conference for anyone working toward the digitization of the public sector in Denmark. This year the title of the event was "On the way to a digital country", and our new official partner from Denmark, 3A-it, was there to showcase the latest innovations of our Video Management Software, Axxon VMS 4.

Again, this year the focus was on the challenges and opportunities offered by changes in digitization. The conference focused on public IT projects, citizen contact, welfare technology, digital learning, security, data handling and more.

The conference was aimed at everybody who deals with the digitization of Denmark (local, regional, state and public institutions, suppliers and consultancies). Everyone had the chance to experience firsthand the brand-new Axxon VMS 4 and get detailed information about its innovative features.